Peteris Blums and the Wooden Architecture of Latvia

Recently, while in Latvia for a house design project I am beginning, I met an architect who is on a one-man mission to preserve the delightful architectural heritage that exists in Latvia’s capital city, Riga. His name is Peteris Blums. A quiet man with a quiet determination to do an important job for his city, Peteris has put together this short video describing the uniquely Latvian collection of “wooden architecture.”
I hope this video is informative and helps you see the heritage Peteris Blums is working to maintain in his city. It is always great to see a community recognizing the treasures they have and then working to maintain them. We are working to make our design of this new house on Kipsala fit in with the historic surroundings while not seeming to dilute it with a shallow imitation. It will be a process of understanding what is pleasing about the historic and employing the same principles in what we design new.
I’ll be posting many blog articles describing my interesting project in Latvia. Things are done a bit differently there than in the United States. Subscribe to my feed and keep coming back to see what develops and how the project turns out.
Wooden Architecture of Riga
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